Monday, August 17, 2009

My Purpose

While I read blogs all the time, I don't make it a normal practice to write them. So I take this step... I have been struggling for some time with the conviction that I need to be more familiar with and more disciplined in reading the scriptures. If I am to be the man, husband, father, and Christian that God has created me to be, I must be more about knowing His word and hiding it in my heart. So this blog will be an attempt at that.

My hope is that I will post here daily a reflection on scripture that I have read today and spent time meditating on. I hope that this will provide both accountability and a place for me to document my interactions. Being a techie person, this format appeals to me as it's easy to manage and easy to look back at. Plus it's free...

So if you stumble on this, enjoy. I hope it encourages your walk with the Lord. Ask any questions you would like through the comments.